
Piramidón, Centre d’Art Contemporani, established in 1990, operates as a hybrid space that bridges the gap between an art gallery and a creative workshop. It seamlessly integrates the realms of artistic production with those of dissemination, exhibition, and commercialization. The center's mission is to support artists by uniting two crucial aspects of their practice: the studio and the gallery within a single venue.

With 18 studios that have hosted over 160 artists from 25 different nationalities, Piramidón serves as a meeting point that fosters artistic development and facilitates numerous interactions among contemporary art sector professionals.

Founded more than twenty years ago by Isidre Bohigas, in his role as president, and Marc Comerma and Josep Alavedra as advisors, this ambitious and innovative project also marks the beginning of Piramidón’s art collection.

The center's layout offers visitors not only the opportunity to view current exhibitions but also to engage with artists in their creative spaces. This direct interaction with the artist and their work sets Piramidón apart from most art galleries, providing a unique insight into the artist’s perspective and process.


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