Patricio Reig


San Juan, Argentina, 1959.

Period of residence in Piramidón:

Since February 1993.

Work: With photography as his current vehicle, the artist is interested in the historical and evolutionary aspect of photographic practice. The bringing together of hundreds of pictures from various corresponding countries at different moments in the life of anonymous people serves to nurture his own work based on study, analysis and understanding. He pursues the memory, the passage of time, and the fleeting nature of existence. The artist records aspects of everyday life and develops his analog works in a dark room. He then scans the results to convert them into digital files that are easy to consult. The result is converted to an everyday inventory that plays with both the unexpected and the more complex work.

Latest exhibitions:

- Eden, Juan Ruiz Gallery, Miami, 2012.

- Family album, Aquila 51, Milano, 2011. Fabrice Galvani Gallery, Toulose, 2009.

- Piramidón, Center for Contemporary Art, Barcelona, 2010.




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