Premi de Residència Artística Jordi Fulla


Piramidón Centre d’Art Contemporani presents the Premi de Residència Artística Jordi Fulla, an initiative aimed at visual artists interested in developing their creative practice in the inspiring setting of Barcelona.

This award offers a two-month residency designed to encourage immersion in the city's vibrant artistic scene. Selected artists will have access to a workspace at Piramidón and can participate in various cultural activities, fostering connections with the local and international artistic community.

The program is open to artists of any nationality and background, with the requirement of having held at least one solo exhibition in an art gallery or institution within the past three years. This unique experience seeks to boost the participants' careers and enrich their creative process.

The winners of the 2024 edition
Alícia Vogel & Guillermo Mora
alicia jordi fulla 1 guillermo mora jordi fulla1
 from mid-October to December from April to May